
When you sit in the Green Cathedral, there is a sense of nature’s grandeur; where earth, wind and water combine under the sun’s flickering fire, cascading through the leaves of the sacred forest canopy. Palms rest gently above the congregation, a symbol of the amazing grace we humbly receive. Whether you are there alone, or enveloped by a large gathering, the Green Cathedral is a space for you to reflect.

This image is the inspiration for the Tiona Chapel. As the palm fronds stretch out from the centre trunk, we the community reach out to those around, bringing us together as one people - one community. Tiona Chapel will help us bind together to learn and experience more about what community looks like and provide a space where love and compassion can be expressed freely. 

As the glass doors slide open and the rafters reach up to grab hold of the light, the space is filled with something humankind cannot create alone. The open nature of Tiona Chapel links you with the forest, connecting with elements of the Divine to bring you into harmony with God and each other. Open all year ‘round, Tiona Chapel is a multi-purpose space with the specific purpose of embracing the blessings of community. The logo for Tiona Chapel is also inspired by the cabbage palms that surround the area.

The Tiona Chapel will stand as a companion to the Green Cathedral; expanding it’s ministry and accessibility to this sacred site.

Community of Christ are a people who embrace the sacredness of creation. It is clear to us that the Spirit felt at Tiona has connected humanity through the ages. We believe that building the Tiona Chapel will enable the community to experience the Divine presence that resides here and, indeed, everywhere.

We are excited that Tiona Chapel is nearing completion, and we warmly invite you to be a part of this exciting journey!

Close to becoming a reality!


Concept Drawings:


We invite you to be a part of its story

Were you or one of your loved ones married in the Green Cathedral?  Have you farewelled a loved one, friend or member of your community there? Perhaps it was your workmate or best friend? You can be part of its ongoing story and its future by donating to the Tiona Chapel

To help with our goal, we’d love for you to donate what you can afford. Click below to donate now!

Give directly - 100% of this donation will go towards the Tiona Chapel building project by Community of Christ. Funds raised over and above the target will be put aside in an endowment for the building, ensuring it is well maintained and purposed into the future.